Friday 19 August 2011

20 days in a van : Part 5 : Days 12-13 (8-9 August)

We were feeling in need of a move away from D-Day related activities and decided to head south in search of sun, sand and sea. We chose Granville - or more accurately, a campsite in Donville les Bains, which is just outside Granville.

Granville is situated on the Cotentin Peninsula at the mouth of Bosq and Pointe du Roc (Cap Lihou) which in part closes in the north of the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel.

The town was founded in 12th century and was taken several times by the English who fortified it in 1437.

In 1441, Louis XI granted a charter so that the town once again became French. During the following centuries, Granville was bombarded by the English in 1645 and 1803. Furthermore, the town resisted the attacks of the Huguenots in 1695 and Vendean in 1793.

According to the Rough Guide to Brittany and Normandy, Granville is “in many ways the Norman equivalent to Brittany’s St Malo, with a similar history of piracy and an imposing elegant citadel guarding the approaches to the bay of Mont St Michel.” The citadel stands separate from the modern town and is largely uncommercialised.

The Guide goes on to explain that “Granville had an unexpected brush with destiny on 9 March 1945 when it was overrun for an hour and a half by German commandos from Jersey long after the invading Allied forces had swept into Germany.”

On our travels around the town we spotted "Paraglider Man"

He was trying (unsuccessfully) to land near the lighthouse

We also saw a sea swimming pool - with lanes

What a good idea

We visited the port ...

... and went on a cruise around the bay ...

... towards Mont St Michel

Mont St-Michel is a rocky tidal island located approximately one kilometre off the north-western coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches. The population of the island was 41, as of 2006. The island has been a strategic point holding fortifications since ancient times, and since the 8th century AD it became the seat of the St-Michel monastery, from which it draws the name.

Then back to Granville

For more photos of our time in Granville click on the link Granville photos

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