Wednesday 27 October 2010

A Silver Wedding celebration

Where better to spend your Silver Wedding than in the Capital - a three-day city break.

A visit to the Comedy Store on the first night, followed by a trip to see the fabulous "We Will Rock You" on our second night - seeing Corrie's Curly Watts singing was great!

During the days we did the touristy things and here are a few photos of our escapades.

A trip to the Imperial War Museum

In 1917 the Cabinet decided that a National War Museum should be set up to collect and display material relating to the First World War. It was opened in the Crystal Palace by King George V in 1920 and reopened in its current location in 1936.

After the Second World War the Museum's terms of reference were amended to include all military operations in which Britain or the Commonwealth were involved since 1914. The material on these wars and the Cold War period were especially interesting - more so as it dovetailed with what we had seen during our summer trip to Berlin.

Big Ben

A very big wheel

The Albert Memorial

which is just opposite the Royal Albert Hall

Then on to Covent Garden

If ever you are asked a quiz question on who founded Sunday Schools - here's your answer!

Cleopatra's Needle

A walk through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park

To Marble Arch

Then to what used to be called the Post Office Tower - with the slowly revolving restaurant at the top


This is the building where I spent my first day of employment as a civil servant - in the early 1970s

This is the pub we frequented ...

... when I worked here in the late 70s

Lunch time shopping sometimes involved a trip to Habitat

Then back home from St Pancras

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