Wednesday 13 October 2010

An amble up Rushup

On what started out as a misty, murky morning in October, these intrepid adventurers set off from Edale in search of Mam Tor and Rushup

According to the "Nicod Protocol", elevensies need to be taken at regular intervals

Our leader had clearly seen something we'd missed, but what was it???

Some say that it was Mike paying us a flying visit but all we know is he's called Hang Glider Man

Stuart telling one of his jokes, and Martin being very attentive

... but where is he when Stuart gets to the punch line?

The name of this Edge was misleading for our intrepid heroes - "Ambleside" would have been nearer the mark

A look back at what we had achieved

This is allegedly a "Belted Galloway" - well at least that is what says it is

A wonderful walk, excellent company, and thanks guys for inviting me to join your group


  1. Glad you enjoyed it Trevor, it was good to have you along. A great record of a very enjoyable day. Looking forward to many other expeditions. Dave

  2. What does this mysterious Trevor look like though?

  3. Now added some of Dave's photos - Trevor makes the odd appearance!
