Wednesday 20 October 2010

A circuit around Hartington

“Hartington is a lovely place to start a walk and few walks could be better than that along Beresford and Wolfscote Dales - an easy outing with varied and ever-changing scenery” – so said Martin, today’s walk leader (or it might have been someone else, Isaac Walton, Charles Cotton or even J R Hartley).

At times, when it was lashing it down, or when a local landlord clearly indicated he didn’t want our custom at 2.40pm because he was shutting at 3pm – “lovely place” may not have been the most appropriate description.

But undaunted by the inclemency of the weather, we trekked on and were rewarded with some great views, some rare fungi, a heron, a white dipper and even some bright sunshine. As Stuart would say, “we were blessed”

Here are a few memories from our amble around Hartington, Beresford Dale, Alstonefield, Gypsy Bank and Wolfscote Dale. Thanks again chaps for an entertaining and fun day.

A "magic mushroom"?

Not sure what Dave and Stuart have put in their coffee

More "magic mushrooms" for lunch

Have you seen this man? If so, please report the details to the nearest police station!

 The mushrooms had a dramatic effect on Martin!

The Dove in Wolfscote Dale

The dipper

The heron

A welcome Farmer's Blonde at the Bull's Head in Monyash


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Added photo of dipper and "Compo" - with thanks to Dave
