Friday 15 October 2010

3rd Nottingham Robin Hood Beer Festival

It's Friday and it's just past 1pm, and you're on Sheffield Railway Station. So what better thing to do than to get on the 1.05pm train to Nottingham to pay a visit to the 3rd Robin Hood Beer Festival

Set in the environs of Nottingham Castle

There were around 800 different casks of real ale which the organisers claimed to be the largest number of cask ales ever assembled at a festival in the world - as well ciders, perries and country wines. 

With that number of ales on tap we were only able to scratch the surface in our brief visit. My favourite ale was Castle Rock's Harvest Pale Ale - a "pale well-balanced ale with crisp fresh citrus hop". I could readily taste why it was voted Supreme Champion Beer of Britain 2010. See for further details.

Other ales that tantalised my taste buds were Blue Monkey's Infinity - "a citrussy, strong, pale and refreshing ale"; Double Drop from Flack Manor in Romsey - "a classic amber bitter with bitter citrus Sovereign hops"; Nottingham Brewery's Robin Hood - "a pale copper coloured triple hopped brew"; and Iceberg from Titanic in Stoke - "an English style wheat beer with citrus hops". In case you haven't already guessed, I do like citrus flavoured beers.

The musical entertainment was provided by the Backline Blues Band
 No visit to Nottingham is the same without a trip to "The Trip" - a view from the Castle

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