Wednesday 27 June 2012

Scoping a walk around Ashover

The weather was set fair and I decided to try out a walk which I was thinking of offering to our Tuesday walking group.

My proposed route would be a circuit around Ashover and end up at one of our favourite pubs - The Old Poets' Corner.

The River Amber, on the outskirts of Ashover

View back towards Ashover

Remnants of the track from the Ashover Light Railway

When I arrived here, I realised that I must have missed a turning. So a quick backtrack and I found the right footpath ...

... and headed up towards Cocking Tor, via this chimney which was used in lead mining days

Spectacular views from Cocking Tor - towards Ogston Reservoir

... and Millstone quarry ...

... and back towards Ashover

The only problem was that I had, once again, missed a turning and ended up here - when I should have been somewhere else! Anyway, the views were worth it.

I managed to get back on my planned route - with views of Riber Castle ...

... then down to Tansley for lunch.

The route back to Ashover took me through this wonderful project. For further details, click Lumsdale Project

The path out of the Lumsdale Project was not where I expected it to be and I ended up going through this wood - and its sheer cliff

Now back on track and motoring towards Ashover. The route needs a bit of tweaking before our group takes it on - I'll work on it

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