Sunday 17 July 2011

Going Digital Photography course

Kev and I attended an excellent course today run by Keith Naylor of Going Digital Ltd 2010 - see for details. This was held at the National Trust's Longshaw Estate.

The focus of the course (pardon the pun) was to get a better understanding of what the various settings, knobs and buttons on our cameras did. This included how to create background blur in portraits and close-ups - including the use of macro; how to get your landscape shots in focus from front to back; and how to use "Exposure Compensation" to darken or lighten images. 

This may be "old hat" to experienced photographers but it was just what a relative novice like me needed.

There was plenty of opportunities for us to practice and here are some of my efforts

Kev (at the back) out of focus ...

... and now in focus

Believe it or not the picnic tables and the trees in the background are both in focus - but the sky was too bright and the exposure settings needed to be "compensated"

Then on to the macro mode which had caused me difficulties in recent weeks - but now I think I understand what to do!

Swallows at home - with different exposure settings

Finally, just as we were leaving, I thought I caught a glimpse of...

... a Dalek!!

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