Thursday 19 November 2015

Istanbul Light Festival

During our recent visit to Istanbul we went to the Istanbul Light Festival at the Zorlu Center

The United Nations declared 2015 as the International Year of Light. It is a global initiative which highlights the importance of light and optical technologies in our lives, our futures, and for the development of society.

The Zorlu Center is hosting the Istanbul Light Festival from November 13-29. Curated by UCLA Design Media Arts Department Head, Rebeca Mendez, this festival is bringing works by 22 artists to transform Zorlu Center temporarily into the world’s largest public art gallery – lighting up the night’s sky – visible from across the Bosphorus

This is Keyframes by the French designers Groupe-Laps

This is My Light is your Light by Alaa Minawi

The Pool by Jen Lewin

The lights change colour as you step onto them

Story Box by Entity - individuals could make their own designs

Australian artist Amada Parer showing her large glowing rabbit sculptures

Japanese artist Daito Manabe performing a light show with dancing drones

This eye-boggling work was in the Liminal Room by Refik Anadol

A wonderful experience

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