Saturday 6 September 2014

Around Wharfedale - and a few Trigpoints

I have just returned from another walking break in Wharfedale. Once again I was based at The Causeway Campsite in Kettlewell.

The weather was kind to me all week and I made the most of the good weather to explore parts that I had not visited much before

Conistone Moor Trigpoint


The church is famous for its mouse carvings on the pews

Limestone pavement


Stepping stones over River Skirfare - a dry river bed at this stage ...

... but a mile or so downstream it was a rushing torrent

Horse Head Trigpoint

Hebden Ghyll

New Pasture Edge Trigpoint

River Wharfe just south of Grassington

This is a spectacularly beautiful part of the country - well worth visiting. As someone once said "I'll be back"

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