Sunday 21 April 2013

Seoul adventure - War Memorial

The War Memorial of Korea is located in Yongsan-dong. It opened in 1994 on the former site of the army headquarters and gives a moving story of the people of Korea

The Statue of Brothers at the entrance of the Memorial depicts a real-life story about two brothers who fought on opposite sides in the Korean War (1950-53) and were accidentally reunited on the battlefield

The Korean War Monument commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Korean War ceasefire

We spent time in the Korean War Room which gave a blow by blow account of the Korean War from the southward invasion by North Korea up to the Armistice agreement - fascinating video footage and artefacts

We arrived at the Memorial just before 2pm on Friday and unbeknown to us, the weekly Armed Forces Military Band and Honour Guard Ceremony was about to take place

The Guards on their way to the Parade Ground

The Korean Military Band

Demonstrations of combat skills

For more photos of this pageant see Seoul War Memorial

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