Thursday 12 July 2012

Lady Spencer's Walk around Hardwick

It was sunny (which made a welcome change) and I decided to visit Hardwick Hall and followed Lady Spencer's walk.

Lady Spencer was the mother of Georgina Cavendish - wife of the fifth Duke of Devonshire.

She created this walk with her granddaughter while staying with her at Hardwick in the late 1700s

View of the Hall from the start of the Country Park

Views from the Country Park

The Five Row Ponds

These ponds date from before Bess's time at Hardwick.

The ponds were created to provide the estate with fresh fish and duck for the table. Fishing still continues today.

Famous dragonfly sculpture

Then back up to the Hall

... including the Old Hall

... and the vegetable patch in the Herb Garden

A great time in a great place

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