Sunday 27 May 2012

Some things you might not know about Southport

When Southport is mentioned to you, do you immediately think of it as the home of the internationally famous British Lawnmower Museum?

It certainly did not cross my mind when I spent a very hot and sunny weekend in the town.

During my stay I came across this museum which houses a collection of over 200 lawnmowers and associated machinery. 

I discovered that the lawnmower was invented in 1830 by Edwin Beard Budding of Gloucester. Apparently he was thought to be totally mad and he had to test his "strange contraption" at night.

Many of the exhibits on display have been rescued from scrapyards and restored to their original condition

... and some have been donated by celebrities - including this one which was once owned by actress Jean Alexander (Hilda Ogden in Coronation Street)

There was even a lawnmower donated by Paul O'Grady (Lily Savage) but it was draped in pink velvet and a leopardskin - my camera refused to take such a photo!

You can find out more about this fascinating museum at British Lawnmower Museum

In my further amblings around Southport I came across this street name

Apparently the Dick who lived in this lane was a 'cockler' of some repute. He became known as "Cockle Dick" and, according to some, he lined the pathway to his house with cockle shells so that it didn't get muddy and also made it easier for his horse to pull the cart.

View of the Marine Way Bridge

The Southport Pier Tramway runs the 3,600 feet (1,100 m) length of Southport Pier. The first tramway on Southport Pier was a line for carrying baggage that opened in 1863. The line was upgraded to cable operation in 1865. The line was re-laid in 1893, and electrified in 1905. The pier was closed for safety reasons in 1998 but after extensive restoration, on 1 August 2005 a new twin-section articulated, battery powered tram car started service. 

The reason for my visit to Southport was to attend the Annual Barbershop Convention, where 39 choruses from around the UK were competing

I sing with Hallmark of Harmony - the Sheffield Barbershop chorus - and we won the bronze medal (our first medal for 12 years).

This link gives details of the competition 2012 National Barbershop Convention

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