Monday 12 January 2015

Our Bohemian adventure : Prague : Part 4 - Castle area

From the Lesser Quarter we continued our walk up to the Castle and its views over the Vltava

On our way to the Castle we came across this - it reminded me of one of Dr Who's Cybermen - but I think it was a parking meter!

Prague Castle is the official residence and office of the President of the Czech Republic. Located in the Hradčany district of Prague and dating back to the ninth century, the castle has been a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia. The Bohemian Crown Jewels are kept within a hidden room inside it

The Guinness Book of Records lists Prague Castle as the largest ancient castle in the world. Its three courtyards and a number of magnificent buildings cover over 7 hectares (18 acres)

Off to the changing of the Guards

St Vitus Cathedral

Views from the Castle

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