Thursday 8 May 2014

Kettlewell 2014

The weather looked set fair for the last week of April so I set off, on what has become a regular visit, to Kettlewell in Wharfedale. I stayed at the Causeway Caravan Site - superb location and extremely helpful and friendly owners (Alan and Maureen).

On this visit my plan was to "bag" a few more trigpoints and to explore some areas I had not visited before

My first trigpoint was on Hawkswick Moor (Middlesmoor Pasture) - a bit weather beaten and 2112th in the Triggy charts

The next day I went in search of Simon's Seat - Simon was perfectly happy about it!

Stunning rock formations ...

... and superb views

This trigpoint is 626th in the Triggy charts

I walked back along the Dales Way to Grassington

My next trigpoint quest was to Buckden Pike ...

... this one is 1344th in the Triggy charts

Just a short distance from Buckden Pike is this memorial on the site where 5 Polish airmen died in World War 2 - see link for more details Polish Memorial

On my last day, I decided not to seek any further trigpoints. Instead I visited Hubberholme. This small Norman church is open for regular services. There is a small cemetery in its grounds which contain the ashes of J.B. Priestley. The church dates mostly from the 12th century, the oak roof however was completed in 1558. The church's oak pews were crafted by Kilburn's Robert Thomson, whose trademark mouse can be found in the woodwork. Try as I might, I couldn't find any of his mice!

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