Tuesday 15 February 2011

Castles in the air

This week we started from near Fairholmes Car Park and headed on the path up onto Rowlee Pasture.

Even though the weather was decidedly murky, there were still some splendid views

When will these guys learn... Mike is in Hong Kong!

Leader for the day addresses the troops - Martin shows his appreciation


Steve thought we were going to Alston Castles but the map doesn't show them!

Simon is likewise confused

View of the Derwent dam

At this point we could just about see Alport Castles in the distance.


The Alport Castles are a landslip feature in the Peak District of Derbyshire, said to be the largest landslide in the United Kingdom. They lie north of the Snake Pass and north west of Ladybower Reservoir. Alport Castles are part of the National Trust's High Peak Estate.

The effects of the retreating Ice Age created the fortress like "Tower" which from a distance resembles a full scale motte and bailey castle.

However our leader for the day wanted to go to Alston Castles.

For those who are unaware, Alston Castles are famous remains of a Norman castle. So legend has it, the castles can be seen to rise out of the mist at the same venue as Alport Castles. However, this allegedly happens only once in a Preston Guild.

You’ll never believe it but today was one of those days and in a surreal moment Alston Castles appeared as if from nowhere!! Even the weather changed!!.

Spooky, or what?

PS - there is no truth in the rumour that Stuart plied us with "magic mushrooms" before we set off.

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