Wednesday 26 January 2011

"Where's Mike" - the alternative version of our Alstonefield Walk

Our walking jaunt this week saw us start at Alstonefield, then along Wolfscote Dale and Milldale.

For the past week, Stuart (our leader for the day) had been trying to solve too many "Where's Wally" puzzles; so much so that he had invented a version for our team - "Where's Mike".

His challenge was accepted by our intrepid walkers

Dave thought he had seen him

...but Steve was not so sure ...

... whilst Brian had forgotten what he looked like ...

... and Martin was past caring, he just wanted his lunch

A re-group and a team huddle to consider the next steps

Stuart remained confident that we would find him ...

... whilst Martin regaled us with tales of walks with Mike

Brian was keen to keep out of the "Restricted Zone"

but Dave was more gung-ho and sallied forth

Then he was spotted - flying in from Hong Kong

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