

St Donat's in the distance

St Donats is the home to the Atlantic College, an International 6th Form College founded in 1962. The 12th century St Donat's Castle is at the heart of the campus but was closed when we went there. Modern teaching and laboratory blocks, and staff and student accommodation are also located on campus.


St Donat's in the distance

In the 1920s, after seeing photographs of the castle in Country Life magazine, it was bought and revitalised by newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst in 1925. Hearst, who at the time was having an affair with the actress Marion Davies, spent a fortune renovating the castle, bringing electricity not only to his residence but also to the surrounding area. Hearst spent much of his time entertaining influential people at his estates; guests included Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, and a young John F. Kennedy. Hearst's newspaper empire fell on hard times; the castle was put up for sale but requisitioned for use by British and American troops during the war. Hearst died in 1951 and the castle was bought by Antonin Besse and given to the Governing Body of Atlantic College.
great flutterby pics -worthy of publication!