Tuesday 4 May 2010

Another Derbyshire Day Out on "Star Wars Day"

"May 4th be with you!!"

Another trip using the Derbyshire Wayfarer ticket saw the intrepid duo travelling far and wide - this time to Burton on Trent - yes, I know it's in Staffordshire but the ticket is valid there.

"Carr's Tours" had us travelling on the same bus for breakfast in Bakewell

Then by Transpeak bus to Derby (via Matlock and Belper) and from there a Villager bus to Burton on Trent.

The Magistrates Court

The centre had a grand opening on 1st May

The Edwardian bar room is a must to visit - just for the games you can play

Then outside in the yard ...

Is that the time already?

Just enough time for a quick drink ...

... before getting the bus back to Derby ...

... and the train back to Sheffield ...

... and a trip to Hillsborough ...

... for the Cup Final

... and we won!!