Monday 28 December 2009

A Kendal Christmas

We looked out on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even.

We decided to go for a walk on the Fell to Scout Scar.

A view over Kendal

... and over the Fell towards the Pennines

Let's get on with our walk ...

... but first a snowball fight ... Rich takes the high ground ...

... ready ...

... aim ...

... fire ...

... now it's Al's turn ...

... a hip hit!

Nearing Scout Scar

Now for the next activity ...

... Cumberland Snow Wrestling!

Then off to the pub for a few pints of Jennings

Sunday 25 October 2009

Rail Ale Weekend - 4 - Keighley Bus Museum

We found this hidden treasure at its Riverside Depot - only a short walk from Keighley Railway Station.

Full details of what this band of volunteers do is on their website at

Rail Ale Weekend - 3 - along the line

Meet "Poncho Man" - a man for all seasons!

Haworth Station and then...

... along the line from Haworth ...

... Keighley

... via Ingrow West, which was originally a Midland station at Foulridge, Lancashire ...

... and its Museum of Rail Travel

... then Oakworth which has been restored to its 1905 condition. It was where the 1970 film "the Railway Children" was filmed

The Station Master's House, which in the film was where Mr Perks lived